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When Should You Talk About Your Mental Health on Social Media?
December 19, 2022

When Should You Talk About Your Mental Health on Social Media?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When is it safe to post about mental health on social media? Here are a few factors to consider.

Many people have adjusted to working from home, but some people still feel more isolated than ever. So it’s no wonder that many are using social media to talk about their mental health.

Knowing when you should share and when you shouldn’t share mental health topics on social media is important. Let’s take a look at when it’s okay to share how you feel on social networks.

1. If You Know People Will Listen

Social media has a lot of great benefits. The fact that it’s available and allows you to post whatever you’re doing and feeling is one of them.

If you know that your network is active on social networks, and that they will listen and respond empathetically to what you have to say, then social media can quickly turn into a support group. Feeling safe online, and being able (and allowed) to express how you feel can be a valuable resource for mental health topics.

2. If You Trust Your Network

While there are therapy and counseling apps for mental health aid, if you trust your network, social media can also help provide support.

If you’ve discussed mental health topics on social media before, and you’ve always felt better for doing it, it means that you’re a part of a trustworthy network. If you regularly find support online, and people are responding, and being helpful, consider yourself lucky.

3. If You Have an Appropriate Channel in Mind

Not every social media channel is appropriate for a heart-to-heart conversation about mental health. At times, posting private stuff about how you feel might actually be detrimental, and you may end up feeling worse.

For example, if using Instagram makes you feel bad, you can customize your Instagram feed to your own preferences so you won’t have to see things that trigger you or make you feel upset. But if you have an appropriate channel in mind, and you know that posting on it will benefit you, or your network, then it’s okay to post.

A channel like LinkedIn could be useful to talk about work-related stress. Like, if you’re suffering from burnout at work and want to let others know, or share coping strategies, then posting something might benefit your network.

Similarly, if you are part of a Facebook Group in which people are sharing similar content and helping one another, then it’s a good way to stay connected to others. You can also start your own Facebook Group and make it beneficial to others, by creating a sense of belonging, and a safe space for every member.

4. If You Want to Make Mental Health Less Taboo

Mental health can be a sensitive topic. If you think that making a post on social media about it will bring more awareness to it, then it’s okay to do so. Especially, if you know that your network will appreciate your post.

Talking about mental health on social media can be an opportunity to do something good, and to make people feel accepted no matter what they’re going through.

5. If You Know Others Are Feeling the Same

If you’re aware that others are also dealing with their own mental health, then social media is the perfect platform for creating a supportive environment for one another. If other people are endeavoring to open up and share their experience, then the likelihood of your posts being received with the same level of warmth and openness is high.

Use Social Media to Do Something Good

Social media is often blamed for being a time-waster. While it does depend on what you’re using your social platforms for, they can also be an asset for bringing awareness to mental health topics. Whether you want to speak up, or speak out, always use social media responsibly, and respectfully.

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