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Should You Buy an EV? 12 Factors to Consider
January 8, 2023

Should You Buy an EV? 12 Factors to Consider

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Electric Vehicles are all the rave these days, but they’re not perfect. So, should you switch from your fuel-powered car? We’ll help you decide.

Over the past decade or so, electric vehicles have become incredibly popular. It’s now normal to see an electric car drive by or come across electric charging ports at gas stations.

But are electric vehicles really that great? Or are there downsides to this form of transport? Let’s discuss the pros and cons of EVs to further understand whether they’re worth the purchase.

The Pros of Owning an Electric Vehicle

First, let’s go through the advantages of electric vehicles to see why they can be beneficial for drivers.

1. Zero Local Emissions

One of the biggest upsides of electric vehicles is that they do not release harmful emissions into the atmosphere when on the road. A typical combustion engine releases carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide via the exhaust.

But because electric vehicles do not require an internal combustion engine, they can function without releasing any emissions. This is certainly good news for our environment, which has been heavily damaged by vehicle emissions.

However, this is only the case for direct vehicle emissions. An electric car’s manufacturing process does create a carbon footprint, and much of the electricity used to charge these vehicles still comes from non-renewable resources like coal, oil, and natural gas. So, indirectly, electric cars are still negatively impacting the environment.

2. Quiet on the Road

You may already know that some gas-powered vehicles, especially those with added modifications, can be very noisy. But without a traditional combustion engine, electric vehicles can reduce noise pollution, making them perfect for a quiet ride.

Of course, electric vehicles aren’t totally silent. They still emit a low noise when in use, but this is far less than a typical car with an internal combustion engine.

3. Low Maintenance

Traditional cars commonly malfunction in several ways, leading to steep mechanic bills for repairs and replacements. Electric cars, on the other hand, generally have lower maintenance levels. This is down to one basic factor: the number of moving parts within a vehicle.

Fuel-powered vehicles have a far higher number of moving parts than EVs and are, therefore, more susceptible to malfunction. Electric vehicles can run into their own problems, but the chance is far lower than conventional cars.

4. Cut Out Gas Expenses

As the years pass, petrol and diesel continue to become more and more expensive. Nowadays, filling up your fuel tank can leave a big dent in your bank account, but since fuel is a necessity for most drivers, we don’t really have a choice.

The great thing about electric vehicles is they can cut out gas expenses entirely. Without the added weekly or monthly cost of filling up your car, you can save a lot of money over time.

5. At-Home Charging

Another perk of electric vehicles is their ability to be charged at home. Heading to the gas station can be painful, especially when the weather isn’t great or there’s a long queue.

But with an electric car, you have the luxury of charging it at home. Many EV owners charge their vehicles overnight, meaning they’re good to go by morning.

6. No Tax (at the Moment)

Because electric vehicles don’t directly release emissions into the atmosphere, they are exempt from a particular kind of tax known as Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) or, more simply, road tax. Road tax changes from vehicle to vehicle but can sometimes be quite steep. However, you can avoid this tax altogether if you own an EV.

But it’s important to note that this won’t always be the case. From April 2025, EV drivers will need to pay road tax like everyone else. It’s also worth noting that hybrid (fuel and electric) vehicles already have to pay road tax.

The Cons of Owning an Electric Vehicle

While there are many reasons why electric vehicles are a wise purchase, they also come with a string of drawbacks. Let’s get into the downsides of EVs.

1. High Upfront Cost

Because electric vehicles are relatively new, the technology being used is still limited. Due to the limited availability of EV engines, batteries, and other crucial parts, the demand is way higher than the supply. On top of this, electric vehicle research is costly, and manufacturing an electric car is more expensive than a traditional car.

Therefore, electric vehicles can be very pricey to buy. Even the cheapest models start at $20,000-$25,000, which isn’t extortionate but makes EV ownership difficult for lower-income households.

2. Long Charging Times

Filling a fuel-powered vehicle can take less than a minute. But charging an EV to full power capacity can take a lot longer. Electric cars have varying charging times, and the kind of charging cable you use can also lengthen or shorten this window.

However, it can sometimes take over a day for your EV to fully charge, which could be a big inconvenience for you if you’re about to take a long trip and you’re short on time.

To charge your EV quickly, it’s best to use a high-voltage cable or a high-voltage charging station, such as Tesla’s superchargers.

3. The Risk of Power Cuts

While power cuts may be very rare in your area, they can happen. Sometimes a power cut will last a few minutes, but it can last hours or more.

So, if your EV is out of power when you’re experiencing a power cut, it can leave you stranded if you need to get somewhere on the road.

4. Limited Charging Stations

Though EVs have become vastly more popular in recent years, they’re still not nearly as common as traditional, fuel-powered cars. Because of this, the number of petrol and diesel gas stations worldwide far outweighs the number of electric charging stations. This is fine if you’re driving a hybrid vehicle, but not so much if your car relies entirely on electricity to run.

Certain areas, like big cities, can have plenty of public charging stations to choose from. But if you live in a more suburban or rural location, chances are you’ll find fewer available stations. Even though you can charge your vehicle at home, there may come a time when you need a boost on the road, and there simply aren’t any stations nearby. So, keep this in mind if you’re looking to buy an EV.

5. Limited Driving Range

Different EV models have different ranges. For example, the 2023 Tesla Model X has a maximum range of 348 miles, while the Nissan Leaf has a maximum range of 239 miles.

So, depending on the model of EV you’re interested in, you may have to deal with a lower range than you’re used to. It’s always best to check the maximum range of your desired EV before purchasing.

6. Charging Costs Can Be High

Electricity rates vary across the globe but can be very high in certain nations. Therefore, if you’re residing in a country with high electricity rates, charging your EV could be a very costly affair.

For example, the price per kWh in the US state of California was $0.210/kWh in November 2022. But in New York, the price per kWh in the same month was $0.180 (as found by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics).

So, it’s worth taking your electricity rates into consideration to figure out just how much you’ll be spending on charging your EV every month.

EVs Are a Mix of Ups and Downs

As you can see from the lists above, electric vehicles have numerous perks and drawbacks. Depending on your circumstances, an EV might be perfect for you or prove more of a curse than a blessing. So, take note of the pros and cons listed here before buying your first EV.


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